Colors of Mourning Around the World

Well this is a bit depressing especially considering yesterday was Easter,
but meh...
Anyways, here are some different colors for funerals than those you may be used to.
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Black: somber
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Western culture
Dark colors have been associated with death since ancient Rome,
but black was specifically inspired by Queen Victoria wearing it in regards to 
the death of her husband, Prince Albert.

White: purity and rebirth
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Eastern Asia
Those who believe in reincarnation will wear white in the hopes that their loved one is reborn.
White was also worn by Mary, Queen of Scots, after losing three family members in a short time span
Queen Victoria requested it to be incorporated into her funeral.

Image result for papua new guinea widow
Papua New Guinea
Light grey clay is added onto the widow's skin.
Grey necklaces are worn by the widow and she takes one off everyday. 
When the last is removed, her mourning period is over.
(typically lasts around nine months)

Gold: journey to the afterlife
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Ancient Egypt
Gold symbolized the afterlife and the god, Ra. It was the color of royal mourning.

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South Africa and Ghana
South Africa wears it to represent the bloodshed of the Apartheid era.
However, it is forbidden in China since red symbolizes happiness there.

Purple: spirituality and sorrow
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Guatemala, Brazil, and Thailand
Guatemalan Catholic men and boys wear purple robes on Good Friday for Christ's suffering.
Purple is worn along with black for devout Catholics in Brazil.
In Thailand, purple is reserved for the widow and everyone else wears black.

That's all for depressing stuff...
Love you all and adios!

*not my images
