My Sister's Supposedly Haunted Dolls

So something that I've always found interesting is the idea of ghosts.
I fully believe they exist, but also don't expect to see one ever in my lifetime. 
Overall, I think they're pretty cool, and not all of them are terrifying. 
My middle sister disagrees with this opinion.
(However my youngest sister agrees with me completely so I've done well somewhere)
Anyways, it doesn't matter if Casper the friendly ghost came up to her, my sister would freak. 
She's extremely paranoid of any chances of there being ghosts.
That being said, allow me to introduce Emily and Elizabeth.

Aren't they the scariest?

Emily is basically an American Girl doll that my grandmother bought for my sister. She also recreated our elementary school uniform for the doll as well as some pajamas.
She's basically a classic gift for a young girl.
However, recently, my sister has become uneasy about the doll, even claiming that it moved once. 
Being the good sister I occasionally am, I told her we could keep it in my room for a few days and see if anything happens.
When I went over to her room to get the doll, this whole situation made a lot more sense. 
The doll was on top of a bookshelf that nearly reached the ceiling in a room only lit by a lamp half of the time.
Of course, it's going to seem as if the doll is moving. 
Regardless, I took her to my room where she has been the past few days.
(Update: it is still in my room somehow)
One of the only interesting things to happen was when my sister asked about Emily and I sarcastically told her that she's been running about everywhere. 
She doesn't always understand sarcasm. 
(I think I took all of the genes when it comes to sarcasm in general)

Now, the other doll is Elizabeth. 
Not going to lie, I don't like that the doll's name is my middle name, but I think that's mostly because I don't like the name itself. 
Elizabeth is a rabbit doll in a cute little nightgown set up that my mother gave to my sister. 
Apparently, it belonged to our great grandmother.
When this whole haunted doll business originally came up, there was no mention of Elizabeth. 
However, when I went to get Emily, my sister mentioned how it might have been Elizabeth that actually moved. 
Guess where Elizabeth was?
That's right!
She was right next to Emily on the same high bookcase in a room with low light. 
Regardless, after a few days with Emily, Elizabeth joined us in my room. 

Overall, nothing's happened.
(As expected)
They were sitting on a chair beside my nightstand since I decided on the off chance they are haunted and I am completely oblivious, they might as well be comfortable.
I convinced my sister to take back Elizabeth, but somehow Emily is still in my room. 
The only supposed consequence from this entire experience has been weird dreams lately
(like being on an acid trip weird)
and having an audience whenever I talk out loud to myself. 

Regardless, that is all I have on the dolls for now!
Love you all and adios!
*Last one is not my image
