13 Signs of Bad Luck

When it comes to bad luck versus good luck, 
what is typically seen as bad becomes lucky for me. 
Then again there is always a fair chance my birthday will fall on Friday the 13th.
(And the worst birthdays by far have always been a Sunday or Monday)

So here are thirteen things that may give you all the bad luck in the world!

1) Black cats
Image result for bad luck black cat

People found black cats to be a warning of death similar to black crows leading to mass killings of them around the Middle Ages.
Me: I love all cats so they're usually pretty lucky for me

2) Opening an Umbrella Inside
Image result for umbrella superstition

Umbrellas in 18th century London were huge and obtrusive so it may have been started as rumor to stop people from doing it.
Me: I don't care...I still open them indoors 

3) Spilling salt
Image result for bad luck salt

Judas apparently spilled salt at the Last Supper so that's where this comes from.
You should also throw it over your shoulder to prevent the bad luck.
Me: My mom is OCD about this one so I kinda do it on purpose

4)Floor 13
Image result for bad luck floor 13

Me: Okay, this one will be explained more later, I just wanted to show this cause I find it cool that some buildings do this

 5) A woman on a ship
Image result for bad luck woman on  ship

Captains believed that a woman on a ship would anger the sea gods, but more realistically they said no women because of fear of distraction. However, that didn't stop women when they chose to dress as men instead.
Me: I've been on multiple ships and though I hate water, nothing has happened

6) $6.66
Image result for money

666 is the Devil's number and combine that with how 6.66 is a really weird number to have a purchase amount to anyways, people tend not to like it

7) Breaking a mirror

Mirrors were believed to be a projection of one's soul so if you broke it, you broke your soul
Me: This must be why I no longer have a soul

8) Saying 'Macbeth' in a theater
Image result for macbeth

So apparently even from Shakespeare's time, Macbeth just had a lot of death and violence associated with the play in general so it's just something people steer clear of.
Me: I said it right before I watched my high school's performance of  Cats and so much stuff went wrong...

9) Ravens or crows
Image result for ravens

While some consider them actually quite lucky, the ones that don't tend to associate them with violence, death, and bad news overall.
Me: I find them really intelligent and love how it's a murder of crows and a conspiracy of ravens

10) Seeing bride before the wedding
Image result for bride at wedding

This actually originated back when people married more as a business deal. The father of the bride didn't want the groom to see the bride until the last possible second so that he had no time to back out if he didn't think her pretty enough. That's also why we wear veils.

11) Drinking water that reflects moonlight
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I couldn't really find a reason for this one. All I know is it's a Turkish superstition and it brings bad luck.

12) Stepping on a crack 
Image result for stepping on a crack

This really has nothing to do with mothers specifically. The idea was to avoid cracks as danger lurks in empty spaces. If you did so, misfortune could fall on your entire family or just you.
Me: Being the curious child I was, I would test this while staring straight at my mother for a reaction. I told her what I was doing when there was no response so when my sister did it, she faked a reaction, freaking my sister out

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There's just a lot of bad things associated with the number thirteen such as how Judas was the last of the thirteen to sit at the Last Supper. Fear of this number is also known as triskaidekaphobia.
Me: Not only was I born on the 13th, but it's my favorite number as well...

Anyways, that's all for bad luck and this is being posted sooooo late.
Next week's will be on time when I attempt to list all the reasons as to why Zeus is the worst!

Love you all and adios!
*not my images
