Something that's always intrigued me, from a young age, is tarot cards.
I've wanted my own set for years,
but when I requested one from Barnes and Nobles when I was twelve,
my mother allowed me a book on palmistry as more of a compromise
(more on that another time...)
My friend, Amelia, however, has some cards
and she regularly will give into Katlyn and my's random requests.
This time was no different.
For the sake of the length
(and cause she was unsure about some things)
she gave me two readings.
She would also like me to say she does this for fun, is not a professional, and wouldn't be surprised if she misinterprets some stuff.
Don't hate on her.
(She's too cool for that)
Reading 1
"Sorry for presentation. I'm trying something new."
"It's chill"
"Am I distracting you with my talking?"
"No... I probably know what this means..."
"Well, I think it has to do with your project since this is pentacles and that has to do with work or education"
"Oh no..."
"The top one is also a five which is usually bad-"
"Oh fun"
"But yours is reversed so it means you have moved on and you are past the problem"
"Now these swords on my left mean you have a decision made, you're chill with it, blah blah blah"
"Now this other swords means that you still have some indecision or a confusion overload"
"Oh yeah..."
"So, all in all, there's a chance your project may not go well-"
"Let's just pause as my anxiety goes back down..."
Reading 2
"Is this gonna be project based as well?"
"Actually, no... this is... I can't... give me a sec..."
"There is a lot of self doubt in this..."
"My life in a nutshell..."
"So you've gained some sort of wealth possibly emotional or physical..."
"There's a doubting of strength, doubting of your own importance, selfishness and yeah..."
"There's a misalignment of values as well"
"A breaking of your moral code-"
"I have a moral code?"
"You keep saying selfish"
"Well, it has other stuff associated as well such as a disturbance-"
"-in the Force! Sorry..."
Yeah, so that was my reading, nothing big...
Love you all and adios!
*first and last are not my images
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