So obviously Greek mythology is my absolute favorite amongst them all
as it's basically the OG for me when it comes to learning about them.
However, I will be the first to admit that most of the gods and goddesses are the absolute worst.
These three, though, are my favorites amongst the majority of bad apples.
Here we go!
He is a bean
He's technically the oldest of the OG six
Despite being one of the OG, he is forced to rule the underworld and doesn't fight it
He is a VICTIM as well in Persephone's abduction, do not get me started on this
He's faithful to Persephone which shouldn't be impressive but this is Greek mythology
He listens to her when it comes to decisions
Just wants the souls to stay put
He has a giant three headed dog that he loves who's name is basically Spot
Literally shot by Heracles when he was trying to defend a city
He's just a sweetie
Goddess of the hearth and home
Despite being one of the OG six, she never obnoxiously exerts her power
Devoted to her job
She's smart and goes straight to Zeus to become a virgin goddess therefore making her untouchable
Just wants everyone to get along
Goddess of magic and witchcraft
Goddess of the night and moon
Goddess of ghosts and necromancy
Buddy of Hades and Persephone
Two animal friends who she saved: one from suicide and one from abandonment
Yes, I'm aware that despite all my love of this mythology, three is rather small but eh...
It's what I got.
Regardless, later I'll wax poetry on all the ones I hate so never fear.
Love you all and adios!
*not my images
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