How the World Began According to the Aztecs

Story time!

Image result for aztec quetzalcoatl and tezcatlipoca
Before the Earth was a thing, two gods (Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca) looked down from the sky and saw a goddess. 
(If this was Greek, here's where it would get rapey)
She was lying in the water and covered with eyes and mouths that were chewing everything in sight.
This worried the gods
(as you do)
so they turned into serpents and ripped her in two
(as you don't)
making her head and shoulders the earth and the rest of her the heavens
All the other gods were upset
(understandably so)
but let it go, and made her body beautiful.
Her eyes became caves and fountains while her mouths became rivers and larger caves.
Her shoulders and nose became mountains and valleys.
Her hair and skin were made into trees and flowers.
(All of this done for humans which is nice)
However, somehow she wasn't dead 
(cause that's what this story needed)
and she craved for human blood.
(How'd she get it?)
She basically made winter a thing until she was flooded with the sacrifices to appease her
(She loved them human hearts...)

And that's all the horrors I have for today
Love you all and adios!
*not my images except the first
