My Photo Final

For my most recent photo class, Scanning and Printing the Color Image, my final was to create a series of ten related images of anything I wanted.

Now, my lovely friend, Katlyn, chose to base her entire fashion project on the theme of love
which is something she loves to know about.
(see what I did there...)
As someone who isn't the biggest fan of it,
it was actually quite accidental that I made my entire project about the unpleasant sides of love.

Originally I had planned on making recreations of Greek myths of love, but did not have enough time for costuming or location scouting, so they ended up being more inspired by.
However, I do have some ideas now, and will work on creating it in the future. 

Story: Psyche and Eros
Models: Cat and Garrett
Fun fact: My teacher said out of all the couples, they looked superficial and the least realistic. Garrett was in town to celebrate their two year anniversary and they were the only actual couple used. 

Story: Hades and Persephone
Models: Colleen, Amelia, and Connor
Fun fact: For a separate photo, I was trying to tell Amelia and Connor that the characters had no real experience with the opposite gender when a trolley stopped behind me. The tourists were too loud and my models couldn't hear me, so I just screamed out, "You're virgins!" The tourists and my "assistants" started cracking up.

Story: Hyacinth and Apollo
Models: Minh and Colton
Fun fact: I wanted to use this story since Hyacinth was the first explicitly stated gay person in Greek mythology. I also had to steal some flowers from a random person's garden for a picture I didn't end up using.

Story: Echo and Narcissus 
Models: Abbey and Branden
Fun fact: He's supposed to be taking a selfie, but for the life of me, I could not fix the photo on the phone. Someone did give the idea in critique to mask over an actual photo which I will, but I wanted to show what was actually submitted for my final.

Story: Aphrodite and Hephaestus
Models: Katlyn and Marquis
Fun fact: I was originally going to use this photo as a chance for some matchmaking with a different model, but that failed. Also found out after I confirmed Marquis as a model that he and Katlyn shared a class. 

Story: Zeus and Hera
Models: Aditya and Madison
Fun fact: This photo ended up being a favorite in critique and is also a favorite of mine. Most of their pictures ended up very vogue, so if I can, I'll use them both as future models. 

Story: Hestia and Poseidon
Models: Ryen and Tom
Fun fact: This shoot ended up being my least favorite for a multitude of reasons despite the fact Hestia is one of my favorite goddesses.

Story: Ariadne and Theseus
Models: Eloise and Daniel
Fun fact: This was originally just supposed to be a sweet shoot for Dionysus and Ariadne, but I had begun to think of possibly focusing on unfortunate love and ended up shooting it with him as Theseus after that. This is one of my favorites as well because it really shows off his arm muscles which are important for Greek heroes. 

Story: Pan and Syrinx (kinda)
Models: Katlyn and Amelia (kudos to Tessa)
Fun fact: So originally I had a male and female model, but the male model stepped out last second. I shot the female model (my friend, Tessa) pretty much alone, but in review, my class didn't like how she stood out as being alone amongst the couples. I had to reshoot and she wasn't available nor was a male model so I got Katlyn and Amelia to pose real quick. It actually turned out more abusive looking than the original story.

Story: Orpheus (kinda)
Models: Amelia (kudos to Heiro)
Fun fact: I had to reshoot this one as well since Heiro was originally too far from any of the graves to be meaningful and he couldn't reshoot. Therefore I had Amelia throw on a wig, get her flowers that had recently died, and just kneel in front of a random grave. My classmates thought it looked much better. 

That was all for my final and I actually ended up being pretty happy with how it turned out.
I know there's sooooo much room for improving it, but that's for another time.
Love you all and adios!
*first and last not my images
