Warning: This is about phobias therefore I will likely include an image of said phobia so be wary
So phobias...
One of the most common things out there
A good deal of adults suffer from one at the very least
I suffer from about three
Here are some of the more common ones in no particular order
(none of which are mine...)

It's the fear of spiders and other arachnids though most commonly people will only focus on the spider aspect. It affects up to 1/4 of men and 1/3 of women. I found out recently that a fear of spiders is actually quite instinctual and likely inherited from ancestors that had lacked the medical knowledge to deal with the possible consequences. The same actually applies to snakes and is known as ophidiophobia.
It's the fear of heights. How this is shown in different people varies. For my friend, as long as there's a barrier, she's fine. However, my mother is unable to even go into the Arch without becoming panicky at the thought.
It's the fear of thunder and lightning. This is especially common for kids, but can continue on in adulthood. Different thing can factor into the fear. Some are afraid because of the loud noise and bright flashes. Some who are deaf or hard of hearing fear it more due to their ability to feel it.

It's the fear of dogs. Most people I know that have this fear were attacked in some capacity by one when they were younger and the trauma has stuck with them.

It's a fear of needles or injections. It's a very understandable fear as few like pain. This is another fear that is very common in children and stays through adulthood.

It's a fear of dentists. People fear them for many reasons. Some have a horrible gag reflex. Others don't like someone messing around with their mouth which is understandable. Then there's the fact that some dentistry tools used to be really painful. Luckily, things have improved so as to help the comfort of the patient.
That's all for now!
Love you all and adios!
*not my images
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