I'm going to keep this intro short.
Basically, today is Lost Dog Awareness Day and
for that I thought I'd get a bunch of friends and family to appreciate the pets they have!
That's all!
This post is just a bunch of cute pets and their owners loving them.
Cat: Brandy
"She is the sweetest and most protective dog I know. She is an Australian cattle dog and German Shepherd mix and 6 years old. Recently, she has gone and eaten everything that she can get her paws on. Very naughty in her old age. I love her because she is a comfort to be around and will never judge me. She will always give me the kisses that I need."
Ami: Cheyenne and Saffie
"I'm not normally a dog lover, but Cheyenne is so loyal that I love her in spite of all the trouble she gets into."
(sister to Zina, my mom's dog)
"Saffie is a special cat. A lot of people who have stayed here have never seen her. She is faithful to me."
Ian: Jamón
"This is Jamón. I love him because he's not easy to deal with. He has his problems, but we love each other at the end of the day. He's a sweet, little kitten with FIV and I promised him that I will keep him happy and healthy. He's full of energy and loving, but at the end of the day, he's still a little boy who loves the bite and scratch. I've got the scars to prove that he loves me."
Abbey: Bond
"I love him because he's 007"
Maria: Annabelle
"I love her because she's the closest thing I have to a sister."
Katlyn: (in order) O' Malley, Allie, Rusty, Chloe, Annie, Joey, Teddy, and Mickey
"O'Malley is my fluffy, droopy monster and I love my Maine Coon kitty."
"I love Allie because she is my little lemur."
"I love Rusty because he is a sweet, adorable, and loyal little shit. I can't wait to see my baby again."
(cameo of Katlyn)
"Chloe is my wonderful cat that is so overbearing, but I love her because she is always there."
"I love Annie because she is my soft kitty and she's been with me every school year since I was 6."
"I love Joey because he is okay around people and very sweet"
"I love Teddy because he is my fighter elder pup"
"Mickey is very lovable and when he is good around you, he will curl up and lick your face."
Alannah: Purtz
"I love Purtz because she loves being around people and is a very talkative cat. She isn't like normal cats and has an outgoing personality. She's always on the move, but at night, she always cuddles up and falls asleep with me."
Colleen: Whiskey and Tango
"I love Whiskey because he's so handsome and sweet. He's like a sweet old man. He gets so excited and is so gross, but funny when he drools. All of his tricks make me so happy."
"Tango is so snuggly. Her ears are so long. She's just special and it's somewhat funny when she howls."
Heather: Tonks and Dobby
"I love them because they're the closest things to children that I have."
Eloise: Patches
"This is Patches. In all the roughest patches and points of my life, my best friend, my BFF (black furry friend) is there with a wrinkly smile and an overworked wagging tail. She is what I love most in the world, because she is always happy and always selfless. In the way she acts, you'd think her life exists only to be a joy in mine! People look down on dogs for being dumb creatures in comparison to humans, but perhaps we have more to learn from them, in the way to truly feel happy in life everyday and appreciate those close to us."
(cameo of Eloise)
Madison: Bumbley
"This is my kitty Bumbley. I love her because she's just as sassy as me and never fails to make me smile."
(cameo of Madison)
Joseph: Holly
"This is Holly (and my dad). I love her because she is so sweet and affectionate. She's very attentive and LOVES watching her humans and tries to help us out with whatever we're doing in the yard."
Mom: Zina
"I love Zina because she's loyal and loving. We just connected when I rescued her."
(sister to Cheyenne, my grandmother's dog)
Mina: Cali
"Cali's like a best friend to me. She's always here for/with me when I'm mad, sad, or in pain. She is awesome and fluffy."
(cameo of my cat and our other sister; Cali on the right)
Me: Nikki
"I love Nikki because she's a little shit, but she's my little shit. She can be annoying and then just as easily be the sweetest cat ever. Everytime I come home from college, she ignores me for about a day before I inevitably wake up to her curled up either by my side or on top of my back. Despite the fact we're opposite in size (with me being giant in height and she being the runt of the litter), we have the same sassy personality that refuses to stepped on. I miss her every time I leave for school."
That's the end of that and thank you to all the owners for letting me show their pets!
Love you all and adios!
*first and last images not mine; rest belong to their respective owners
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