Strange Phobias That Are Real

Image result for strange phobias
Customary warning:
There's going to be a photo of each thing/ something related 
I am not making fun of  people with these, 
I am aware that these are legit phobias

1. Hylophobia
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Fear of trees
I find forests to be beautiful...

2. Nomophobia
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Fear of being without mobile phone coverage
This is definitely something that has increased as of recent if my sister's own attachment is anything to go by

3. Chaetophobia
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Fear of hair
Low key fear mine when it tangles so easily

4. Arachibutyrophobia
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Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
The way I remember Pb is lead on the periodic table is because it makes your mouth feel like lead

5. Haphephobia
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Fear of touch
I don't have a fear of it, but when people brush against me or touch me without warning, it does make me uncomfortable

6. Ablutophobia
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Fear of bathing
Excessive bathing is actually less hygienic than bathing less than normal

7. Philophobia
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Fear of falling love or emotional attachment

8. Globophobia
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Fear of balloons or balloons popping
High school and teenage boys must be hell to be around then...

9. Sanguivoriphobia
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Fear of vampires
I really want to see this movie...

Monday is going to have a wonderful surprise!
Love you all and adios!

*Not my images
