Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth and home. If you read the Percy Jackson series, you'll know a few things about her, but not all that much because the books preferred the more popular gods.
She was one of the original six siblings and a virgin goddess like Athena and Artemis. According to legend, it is believed that she was the first to be swallowed by Kronos which would make her the eldest. However, that would also mean she was the last out of Kronos which is why they also consider her the youngest at the same time.
Back to her being a virgin, she was smart about it. When both Apollo (her nephew) and Poseidon (her brother) wanted her to be their wife, she did the smart thing. Instead of panicking, she just went right to Zeus and was like, "Make me an eternal virgin because I don't want to be marrying into the family." And in a complete turn of events, Zeus wasn't a jerk and granted her wish.
As the goddess of hearth, she was seen as very important as this also applied to the sacrificial flame. Every single time a sacrifice was made, no matter to who, a portion of it was given to Hestia as she tended the flame.
Despite how important she is, Hestia is often depicted as very modest, more often then not wearing a veil. She also in a way stepped down from being of the twelve Olympians. Some say she stepped down for Dionysus so as to avoid conflict, but more realistically, the job of the hearth requires her to stay with it all times, so she wouldn't be able to do much with the other Olympians anyways.
Overall, she is one of the only Greek deities that I don't completely hate, but more on that later.
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